Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tired of the high cost of IT support?

If "Yes" like most small business owners. The use of offshore resources, you can reduce costs by 80%. Suddenly, once the projects, which seemed prohibitively was possible at these levels. Like any other service, your chances of a supplier, you still work. This is true for all contractors, china pearl jewelry, although it does not matter where they come from. With careful preparation of due diligence and good marine resources to do the work in the business and gain competitive advantage.

The following are important points that I learned to use several pre-commissioning of marine resources. Follow these keys to success, and you greatly increase your chances of success.

1. If you do not plan, plan to fail. Preparation is the key to a successful project. Define in your own mind what you want to do. You do not need someone technically savvy to do it. Describe it in their own functional point of view that you achieve in your project. For example, you can be enough traffic to your site from 20% a simple explanation for this goal will be.

2. At the interview will be asking how to achieve a specific project. There is always more than one way to approach the problem, but if you talk to suppliers fairly common issues that you can see and be able to explain to the candidate.

3. Your opinion is important to evaluate the provider and the most popular free sites feedback mechanisms for both buyers and sellers. I'm usually going with someone less than 90% feedback. I am often amused by any new party, although most people stay away. They are usually very hungry for business and go the extra mile to make sure that you are happy with the results. The key here is again in a conversation, pearl bracelet, make sure they have the will and knowledge to complete the project. Ambition and good intentions are not enough to get a good project.

4. Do not try to do too much in his first draft. Complex projects is difficult to communicate the scale and complexity. If you attempt a challenging project, which is easily dissolved in phases, providing easier and easier to maintain.

5. freelance sites like Elance can trust account may invest in such a way that consumers have the money to the account from another location and release the money until the project reached the goal. This is a safety feature, both buyer and seller.

6. To complete your agreement with the supplier through the development of a list should be completed for payment to the escrow account shall be released. Send this agreement with them and ask them to return to the e-mail confirmation that they understand and accept the results of the project on track.

7. Post the details of the project will speak to both sides usually in different languages, and possibly problems with the connection of international telephone difficult. That's why I prefer text chat with our suppliers. This eliminates the problem of poor connections and individual stresses that communication is difficult.

8. All sites have their own discussion forums that will allow you to speak with him personally to each supplier. There is a Best Practice offers avoiding specific details of the company in public places, but you can do it on a private board. You never know when a competitor is hiding, and you do not notice them at a competitive plans we have in place.

There are many good sites on the Internet, as a broker for offshore contractors. I was lucky to Elance, but the search for "free sites" all the best sites to help you quit. The first projects can be very frustrating, especially because the time difference, it is difficult to communicate in real time. Having mastered the art of working with offshore suppliers, even if you have an advantage over competitors.

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