Friday, January 21, 2011

Corundum group consists of pure aluminum

For sapphire engagement ring best, it is not necessary to know all about sapphires, but of course, the more you know, the more likely you will get the best sapphire engagement ring available.

The word sapphire, the Hebrew word Sapir, pearl necklace clasps a single crystal aluminum oxide (Al2O3), a mineral known as corundum. Established naturally as gemstones or manufactured in crystal balls for a wide range of applications.

Corundum group consists of pure aluminum. Traces of other elements such as iron and chromium give sapphires their blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange or green. Sapphire includes any stone high grade mineral corundum, including the red variety, which is also known as rubies.

Blue sapphires in various shades of blue and inclusions of titanium and iron oxide, aluminum will create different shades of blue.
in particular, the sapphires are heated to a temperature of about 1800 ° C for several hours and a few stones in a nitrogen atmosphere defective furnace was heated for a week now. The aim is to give the best color of the stone.
You can tell if the dimension of the stone under magnification has been heated. If hands are not interrupted, then the stone is not hot. If silk is not visible, the stone was sufficiently heated. If the silk is partially broken, a process known as low-heat exchanger was used.

Low tube heat is the process by which the rough stone to 1300 ° C for 20 to 30 minutes on the coals heated. It is gray or brown stone and improves color saturation.

You can also fancy sapphires. These and all other than sapphire blue or red. Purple sapphires are cheaper than the blues. These stones contain the trace element vanadium and come in different colors. yellow and green sapphires have traces of iron, which makes their color. Pink sapphires have traces of the element chromium and the pink color, sterling silver pendant the higher the value, the color is a red ruby. color change sapphires are blue and light purple light outdoor swimming pool.

Change the color may be pink in daylight to greenish in fluorescent light. Some of the stones change color and others only partially, because some stones go from blue to blue, violet. White sapphires usually from the ground as light gray or brown, and then heated to cope. However, in very rare cases, they will be displayed in a clear state.

Sapphire has long been the truth, sincerity, loyalty and symbolizes. Tradition is that Moses, where the Ten Commandments on tablets of sapphire, making it the most sacred gemstone. Because sapphires represent divine favor, they were stone of choice for kings and priests. The British Crown Jewels are full of large blue sapphires, the symbol of pure and wise leaders.

Sapphire symbolizes sincerity and faithfulness, pearl earrings accessories this is an excellent choice for a wedding ring. When Prince Charles sapphire engagement ring for Princess Diana agreed to couples around the world were inspired to revive this venerable tradition.

Sapphire stone in the month of September, when most children are born. Ancient lists also name sapphire as a stone of April and gemstones to the zodiac sign Taurus.

"Fine blue sapphires are extremely undervalued," said David Federman, United States of America, Consumer's Guide Author precious stones and other gems of the book. "Fine Kashmir and Burma sapphires are much rarer than rubies of Burma but they are much smaller. Even fine Sri Lankan sapphires is rarely seen these days. There is nothing more relaxing for the soul of a fine sapphire. "

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